IUK | Educational Model

IUK’s Educational Model

A- Outcome-Based Education

IUK adopts a scientifically proven methodologies to promote high quality programs. The Outcome-Based Education (OBE) was selected as the educational model at IUK where a unique framework was designed to develop the academic programs. This model is supported by efficient technological solutions and integrated digital platform. The OBE forms the base of a quality education system with a wide range of activities that supports achieving the set goals. The main objective of OBE is to enhance the conventional educational methods by providing a systematic approach to measure the attainment of the learning outcomes with evidences on that through an efficient mapping process between the program learning outcomes and course learning outcomes. This is achieved through its clear standards for monitoring and measurable outcomes...

IUK developed an Academic Programs Framework to presents a general structure program’s developments and implementation. It also outlines the required course clusters and credit distribution associated with the credential level. In compliance with national and international standards, IUK has adopted a common program structure for all its qualifications levels - this is referred to as the Academic Programs Framework.

IUK’s Program Development (IPD) framework provides a scientific foundation for all academic qualification levels offered by the University. The proposed framework presents the following interrelated components (models or sub frameworks):

IUK’s Program Development (IPD) framework

1- Vision and mission of IUK
2-Graduate Attributes
3-Graduate attributes matrix
4-Academic Program structure
5-Mapping of Attributes to vision, mission
6-Program design
7-Curriculum design
8-Course design
9-Teaching methodologies
10-Learning Strategies
11-Assessment methodologies
12-Quality assurance

B- Learning Objectives and Outcomes

The Program Education Objectives (PEOs) and Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are the output of the program framework. They are used as an input to the “course design” process...

Program Educational Objectives are broad statements that describe the professional achievements that the program is preparing graduates to be able to deliver within 5+ years after graduation. (I.e. What will a graduate be able to do after working for five or more years, these tend to relate to leadership, contributing to strategy, innovation, change management and managing workflows and other people etc.)

Program Student Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are specific measurable statements that describe the significant learning that the learner will have achieved, i.e., the knowledge, skills, and abilities, they are expected to know upon graduation. (i.e., this is what the student can do immediately upon entering full time employment. These tend to reflect functional aspects of employment such as job roles, communication and justifying, influencing decisions and self growth and development etc.)

According to the above process, the PEOs and PLOs are derived and affected by the following factors (directly or indirectly through the graduate attributes):

  • New Kuwait vision 2035
  • Graduate attributes IUK
  • Kuwait sustainable economy
  • Labor market by consultation with the industry
  • The mission of the University
  • Benchmarking with applied universities

Hence, to design a course, we need to develop the related learning objectives and outcomes according to the following pyramid:

C- IUK’s Graduate Attributes (GAs)

IUK’s Graduate Attributes (GAs) can be defined as a high-level statement/description of the Knowledge, skills, and Competencies (KSC) that students possess upon their graduation. These attributes are universal, regardless of the program that a student is enrolled in at the University. Graduate Attributes can be described as defining characteristics or KSCs that are the result of the learning process at the University...

As IUK seeks to advance and articulate their purposes, graduate attributes have received considerable attention. Along with moving towards Outcome-Based Education (OBE), there is growing acceptance of the proposition that graduate attributes reflect the real outcome of higher-education institutions.

IUK’s establishment framework incorporates seven (7) Graduate Attributes as a high-level description of the KSCs (Knowledge, Skills, and Competencies) that students possess upon their graduation (as explained in the below figure). These attributes are universal, regardless of the program that a student is enrolled in at the University. Graduate Attributes can be described as defining characteristics or KSCs that are the result of the learning process at the University. They are purposely shaped and developed during the course of study to prepare graduates of the University to be both highly employable and distinct in the job market, the community, and the wider social context, while ensuring a strong positioning of the University.

D- World Economic Forum (WEF)

Our graduate attributes and educational model are inline with the Education 4.0 as proposed by WEF


"Education 4.0 reimagines education as an inclusive, lifelong experience that places the responsibility for skill-building on the learner, with teachers and mentors acting as facilitators and enablers.

Here are the three critical skills that should play a central role in each student’s personal curriculum as we prepare students, parents, educators and the business community — working alongside governmental and non-governmental agencies — to invest in and upgrade existing education systems for the jobs of the ever-evolving future."

